How do you keep a good Nanny?

Good nanny

There are numerous benefits of choosing a Nanny over regular daycare options. And if you’ve just made the decision to employ a Nanny, then congratulations! Give yourself a high-five! You are about to realise this is one of the best decisions you ever made… Because, let’s face it, having happy, settled children is absolutely worth […]

5 nanny payroll mistakes to avoid

Doing Payroll

Congratulations! You found the perfect nanny and the children just love their new grown up friend. The next thing you need to consider is your obligations as an employer, in particular all of the responsibilities you have to make sure you’re paying your nanny correctly. Not withholding tax When you make payments to employees, you […]

How to pay your Nanny

Happy Nanny

Nannies are becoming increasingly common in Australia as parents negotiate the constant juggle between career and raising children. At last count, there were about 30,000 employed nannies around the country, a testament to the fact that many families see the enormous benefits in having a nanny as opposed to sending their children to daycare, particularly […]